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Writer's picturePastor Derrick Rawlings


Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Church Family,

Thank you for all your prayers, love and support, as we put our best faith foot forward, in a time of so much uncertainty. Although there may be uncertainty as far as this coronavirus, we do know there is absolute certainty in and through Christ Jesus as being the “only way” to Salvation.“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). This is a time for us, as the Church, the Bride of Christ, to continue to be the Church, and share the message of truth! For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. Here is a gift, the gift of all gifts. He did not just give us something. Jesus came Himself, listen, this was God in the flesh who came to give Himself for you and for me. We are grateful that we have the ability to continue to share the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, in such a time as this.

As we are faith-people, and the blood of Jesus covers us, we stand in the “knowing” that He is our protection. That being said, we also are called to use wisdom and obey the laws of the land. At the recommendation of our President, along with State officials of Virginia, having declared no meetings over 10 people in size, and with Fauquier County declaring a state of emergency, all of our Church services will be online.

We respect and honor our President, and we will walk in obedience as Romans 13 instructs us. For the foreseeable future, as we move through these uncharted waters, we will utilize our multiple social media outlets for online services (Facebook Live, YouTube, Instagram).

For those of you who do not have Facebook, you can go to YouTube and search “Freedom Worship Center VA” and if you subscribe to our channel you will receive an alert/notification every time we go “live” or a new message is shared.

Online Service Times:

Sunday 10 AM

Wednesday 7 PM

***Church, we welcome and encourage you to interact within our live services through posting your comments to the live stream thread. We are asking for your help in spreading the Gospel message. So at the beginning of the live stream, consider sharing the service to your Facebook page that way others can watch, and/or attend service online right with you!***

Thank you for all your prayers, love and support, as we put our best faith foot forward, in a time of so much uncertainty. Although there may be uncertainty as far as this coronavirus, we do know there is absolute certainty in and through Christ Jesus as being the “only way” to Salvation.“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).This is a time for us, as the Church, the Bride of Christ, to continue to be the Church, and share the message of truth! For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. Here is a gift, the gift of all gifts. He did not just give us something. Jesus came Himself, listen, this was God in the flesh who came to give Himself for you and for me. We are grateful that we have the ability to continue to share the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, in such a time as this.

Our desire is for everyone to continue to be safe, keep calm and walk by faith throughout the coronavirus outbreak. Freedom Family, we love each and every one of you, and we will most definitely miss worshipping with you all in person. However, think about the celebration we will have when the doors open back up?! Until then, we will eagerly be looking forward to gathering together prayerfully soon. What an AWESOME gathering that is going to be, Hallelujah!

We love you all, and it such an incredible honor to be the Pastor of such a precious, dynamic, spirit-filled, bold, loving, and MIGHTY men and woman of the faith!

Give Them Heaven Out There,

Pastor Derrick Rawlings

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Aug 14, 2022

"test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1)

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